Dilys Jackson

Dilys Jackson

Micro Life

May 31st – June 29th

Microscopic organisms have existed on earth for thousands and millions of years. They are the first life on this planet. Maybe they will be the last?  They are invisible and may not, therefore, seem of importance but they are essential for human life to exist. We depend on them. We need to be aware of their importance and perhaps make them as visible as do these works.

Dilys Jackson was born in Sri Lanka, and her family lived in South Africa before settling in the United Kingdom. She lives in Cardiff and works at the Bluetown Artists’ Studios. She has traveled and worked across the world, and has exhibited in Wales, Sweden, Ireland, Germany, Russia, France, Spain, and the United States.

Jackson has been the Arts Development Manager for a UK Environmental Trust and has undertaken a number of residencies producing public and other works with local communities in the UK. She formed the exhibiting group Iron Maidens (UK and US women sculptors working with cast iron), which she toured in the UK before it was exhibited in several galleries in the US.

Jackson has work in the collections of The National Museum and Gallery of Wales, The National Library of Wales, The New Hall Art Collection, Cambridge, South Wales University, the Sculpture Park, UK, Llandough Hospital, Wales, and in the United States at Salem Art Works and Franconia Sculpture Park . Her publications include Dilys Jackson: Sculptor and Dilys Jackson 7 to 77.

This is the first solo exhibition by Dilys Jackson at ProjekTraum FN.